ACAF Code of Practice

ACAF Code of Practice - Collaboration with other committees/engagement with FSA SAC Chairs

Last updated: 16 August 2024

Collaboration with other committees/engagement with FSA SAC Chairs 

  • The nature of the ACAF‘s work may require cross working with other Committees including but not limited to the Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP), the Committee on Toxicity (COT), the Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment (ACRE) and the Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food (ACMSF). In doing this the Committee will gather evidence to support their assessment from other Committees where appropriate. The Committee will also constructively contribute to wider discussions of other Committees where the issue falls within the ACAF’s remit. 

  • The Committee will provide challenge on how the sponsor departments or the responsible Ministers identify, gather and use scientific evidence and advice (including the FSA’s use of SACs and other expert advisers). 

  • The relationship between the Committee and the FSA SAC Chairs will be developed. This may include meetings (for example, annual or biannual meetings) and referral of issues for consideration (for example, the SACs could identify their top five issues to feed into the Science Council). 

Attending other SAC meetings 

  • ACAF Members must follow an agreed code of practice when attending meetings of the following Scientific Advisory Committees: 

  • The Advisory Committee for Social Science (ACSS

  • Committee on Toxicity (COT) / Committee on Carcinogenicity (COC) /Committee on Mutagenicity (COM) 

  •  Advisory Committee on Microbiological Safety of Food (ACMSF

  • The Science Council (SC) 

  •  The Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP

  • ACAF Members will have an observer status at other SAC meetings:  
    1. They will have a seat at the table during meetings they attend. 
    2. They must not attempt to influence the Committee's decision-making process. 
    3. They may contribute to SAC discussion at the invitation of the Chair. 

  • They must maintain the confidentiality of the discussion until an agreed Committee opinion is finalised. 

  • Where a ACAF Member identifies a potential conflict of interest for the item under discussion, they will raise this in the meeting, and it will be handled in the same way as a conflict of interest of a Member of the Committee. 

  • ACAF attendees to SAC meetings will be copied the schedule and agenda for upcoming SAC meetings so they can confirm with the Chair/Secretariat if they wish to attend. 

  • If any sensitive items are to be discussed on the agenda where it is necessary for ACAF observers to leave the room, this will be flagged ahead of time. 

Interaction with stakeholders and the media  

  • Questions or approaches from the media should normally be directed to either the Chair who will act as an official ACAF spokesperson or the FSA press office. Although Members are encouraged to promote the role of the Committee in general terms, if asked for views on subjects that have been or are being considered by the ACAF, Members should always give the line agreed by the Committee. 

  • The ACAF Members are free to speak in a personal capacity, provided that they are speaking for themselves and not on behalf of the Committee. 

  • Members must ensure there are no conflicts of interest with the Committee for any speaking activity undertaken. Members must also ensure that they do not compromise the confidentiality of any applications.