ACAF Code of Practice

ACAF Code of Practice - Introduction

Last updated: 16 August 2024


  • In line with the central Government guidance and the Food Standards Agency (FSA) policy, each independent advisory committee that advises the FSA operates to a published Code of Practice (CoP) that sets out the key principles and procedures that govern the work of the Committee. 

  • The CoP is subject to periodic reviews by the Committee and Secretariat, considering any updated guidance from central Government, Parliament and the FSA; and changes to reflect experience and usage. 

Purpose and Terms of Reference for the Advisory Committee on Animal Feedingstuffs (ACAF)

  • To advise the Food Standards Agency (FSA) on any matters relating to the safety and use of animal feeds, feed additives and feeding practices, with particular emphasis on protecting human, animal and environmental health and with reference to new technical developments, having regard where appropriate to the views of relevant expert bodies. 

  • To advise the FSA on selected matters where the expert advice of the Committee is requested. 

  • The primary role of the ACAF is the risk assessment of applications for feed additives, feed for particular nutritional uses and feed detoxification processes. 


  • Half of the total number of the appointed Members including the Chair, plus one (rounded up to the nearest whole number). 

Public Service Values

All Members must: 

  • Follow the guidance on the Seven Principles of Public Life, these being selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership. 

  • Observe the highest standards of impartiality, integrity and objectivity in relation to the advice they provide and the management of this Committee. 

  • Be accountable, through the Board of the FSA and Health Ministers, to Parliament and the public for its activities and for the standard of advice it provides. The Board of the FSA and Health Ministers are answerable to Parliament for the policies and performance of this Committee, including the policy framework within which it operates. 

  • Comply with this Code, and ensure they understand their duties, rights and responsibilities, and that they are familiar with the function and role of this Committee and any relevant statements of Government policy. If necessary, Members should consider undertaking relevant training to assist them in carrying out their role. 

  • Not misuse information gained in the course of their public service for personal gain or for political purpose, nor seek to use the opportunity of public service to promote their private interests or those of connected persons, firms, businesses or other organisations. 

  • Not hold any paid or high-profile unpaid posts in a political party, and not engage in specific political activities on matters directly affecting the work of this Committee. When engaging in other political activities, Committee Members should be conscious of their public role and exercise proper discretion. These restrictions do not apply to MPs (in those cases where MPs are eligible to be appointed), to councillors, or to Peers in relation to their conduct in the House of Lords.