ACAF Code of Practice

ACAF Code of Practice - Fees and Expenses

Last updated: 16 August 2024

Fees and Expenses

Committee fees and expenses 

  • Members may claim the following attendance fees for ACAF meetings and for meetings of Working Groups and Sub-groups: 

  • ACAF Chair £400/day 

  • ACAF Member £300/day 

  • Associate ACAF Member £150/day 

Members may make a cumulative claim for work between meetings if a significant amount of time is spent on a single piece of work or on a series of short pieces of work. Participation in working groups or other groups is voluntary, however it is expected that as part of their tenure Members will be willing to take part in relevant groups as their availability allows. 

  • Members are entitled to reimbursement of reasonable travel and subsistence expenses necessarily incurred on official Committee business. 

  • Members must seek value for money and are encouraged to use the most cost effective and environmentally sustainable options for travel and accommodation. 

Review of fee rates 

These rates are set by the FSA with the aim of ensuring consistent approaches across the different Committees that advise the FSA. The FSA reviews these rates every 2 years with the aim that any revisions will reflect the recommendations of the Senior Salaries Review Board regarding pay in the Senior Civil Service. The FSA will also consider comparisons with rates paid in similar advisory bodies in the UK. 

Feedback on performance 

The Committee perform an annual self-assessment against their application of the Good Practice Guidelines. In addition, the ACAF Chair and all Members provide annual feedback on their experience on the Committee in a formal, documented process. This ensures that the Committee continues to operate effectively and that any areas for improvement can be identified.